Sunday, July 27, 2008


THURSDAY, July 24, 2008
2:00 PM Leaving Phoenix

3:22 PM Picacho Peak
40 miles outside of
Tucson and Daniel
in the back seat

4:51 PM Dinosaur trys to gobble McDonald’s sign and make off with Daniel in Benson, AZ

5:10 PM Rock formations between Benson and Wilcox near “Cochise’s Stronghold.” These are the “Teasers” for the Chirachaua Mountains a little south of Wilcox. If you think these are cool, you gotta go to the Chirachauas!

6:13 PM Welcome to New Mexico (and that’s all we saw in NM cause we slept through it)

9:00 PM Welcome to Texas! (Of course they don’t have a sign, they have a monument! As they say, they do everything bigger in TX…)
11:00 PM Got stopped at a border patrol checkpoint. Two officers checked us out. One had a German Shepard sniff our car for drugs and the other asked if we were US citizens. (Didn’t even ask for our passports! And here I paid all that money for them…go figure!)

12 Midnight AZ time and 2 AM Texas time. Stopped at the Ramada Inn in Van Horn, TX We’ll wait till morning to take a picture of the place.

FRIDAY, July 25, 2008
9:45 AM Ate a hot breakfast in the hotel day room. The usual somewhat scrambled eggs, dry muffins, dry cereal, dry humor…juice and we’re still not drinking coffee. They did have a waffle iron that made pretty good waffles though. Chevron gas is $4.07 at the pump but they fooled Gary into buying the $4.17 per gallon because we were at the “expensive” pump. Gotta watch those gas stations every minute! It’s about 75 degrees and windy. Looks like rain.
10:15 AM Yup, we’re going “straight” through Texas!
10:20 AM And Daniel is doing his Brainage on his DS. He’s reached the mental age of a 67 year old. The mental age of a 20 year old is the goal. He’s got some work to do.