Friday, November 12, 2004

Larger Than Life - Amy Frye - Circa 1950 to 2004

There once was a girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead,
When she was good,
She was very, very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Wow! Amy Frye is dead. There is a distinct loss of energy radiating from the city of Phoenix upon this occurence. The universe seems just a tad more lonely without her.
Meeting Amy Frye is an experience one never forgets whether one wants to or not. Amy made her presence known not only to the universe, but on an individual basis upon numerous lives. The loss of that presence will be felt for as long as the life of this blogger continues.

We miss you Amy Fry, you were our friend. We will always cherish the good times (and even the difficult times...we understand that we all have our moments.) We prefer to, and will continue to, remember you fondly and with the laughter you brought to us. Our one shared memory of you will always be of you marching down our hallway, brandishing your cane like the leader of a marching band, with Daniel in tow of course, marching and marching back and forth to one of our Kingdom Melodies.

Thank you for the experience of knowing you and for the memories, Amy Frye. It was quite a ride, but I, for one, wouldn't have missed it for the world!


Blogger Jeremy said...

This is very sad. I was sorry to read this.

10:17 AM  

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